- Principles of Jadam Natural Farming: Alessandra introduces the concept of Jadam natural farming, a method pioneered in South Korea by Yongsan Cho, aimed at restoring autonomy to farmers by using simple, effective, and low-cost farming techniques. This approach emphasizes utilizing local and readily available resources to create fertilizers and promote organic farming, countering the trend of purchasing expensive, commercial products.
- Critique of Modern Organic Practices: The video criticizes the modern organic farming system, which often involves expensive inputs shipped from afar, undermining the foundational practices of traditional, local farming techniques passed down through generations. Jadam advocates for a return to these ancestral methods, which align more closely with natural ecosystems.
- Utilization of Local Resources: Alessandra discusses how Jadam utilizes local materials like crop residues and wild plants (e.g., nettles found in London) to make natural fertilizers. These materials are rich in nutrients and help in maintaining soil health without relying on commercial fertilizers.
- Making Jadam Liquid Fertilizer (JLF): The process involves collecting nettles and leaf mold, which are mixed with rainwater or unchlorinated water and allowed to ferment. This mixture creates a potent liquid fertilizer that is rich in microbial activity, essential for soil health and plant growth.
- Sustainability and Ecological Benefits: By using JLF and similar natural inputs, Jadam farming aims to enhance biodiversity and microbial diversity in the soil, which are crucial for sustainable agriculture. This method also promotes healthier crop growth and resilience, reducing reliance on chemical inputs and enhancing the ecological harmony of farming practices.
Video source: Spicy Moustache / Youtube
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i just about jadam, love the free idea as well as great nutrition for the soil, keep up the great work.
Gardening friends: There is an alarming amount of bad gardening information on the internet. Many myths and legions are perpetuated. Suggestions can run the gamut from silly to outright dangerous. Before attempting any technique or suggestion from this or other web sites contact your local cooperative extension office for accurate, scientific and peer reviewed data. Below is a link to find the office nearest you. Happy Gardening. https://www.nifa.usda.gov/land-grant-colleges-and-universities-partner-website-directory
Most informative gardening video on the Internet.
nice stuff man thanks
Can tomoatoes be fermented like FFJ for bloom as well? It’s a fruit with rapid growth in my area lol
GENIUS!!! I have a natural wood area right outside my back fence, but I couldn’t even think of going outside to collect fallen leaves or forage for mushrooms or berries. What the heck was wrong with me?! THANK YOU! This video you posted right on time, as I am building my organic garden. It’s a bit of challenging, I think, as I live in Alaska, but you gave me such a good point on how to start it right from the very beginning. Thank you again. Please post more videos.
Can I consume the different Jadam liquid fertilizers before using it in the soil? It has to be extremely good for our body to consume but will my body break it down before It absorbs the nutrients? I cannot find this information anywhere please help!
Is there books you can suggest for jadam gardening?
I've been rereading masanobu fukuoka's one straw revolution for the same concept also land race gardening..ive been working on saving seeds and growing without weeding n using this very method to build the mycrorhysals in the soil.i love the simple easy way you explain
i have 2000 sq. ft of roof area. i need help to start my own farming.
Bunu denemek niye aklıma gelmedi diye düşünüyorumdur 😳
Great video!
my uncle up until the day he got sick with cancer never rotated his crops in his garden, even grew spuds in the same place year after year and never had issues with disease or pests and always produced really good veges.
for tomatoes at the end of season we would hack up the pulled plants, leave them to dry for a couple days, then clean out all the hay from the chicken coop and id dig all of it through the garden the tomatoes grew in then new hay on top till it was time to plant more plants. his tomatoes were absolutely delicious and produced more than you could shake a stick at. we used to eat them like apples as kids haha.
For water, I could start collecting snow (we are close to breaking snow records, here) in my many buckets and use that water as much as possible to create the fertilizer.
Background music not good at..👎🔇🙏✨
I use everything as a natural fertilizer. Every kind of fruit and vegetable that gets peeled becomes fertilizer, there is no trash. Everything in the garden that gets cut, it goes at the base of my trees. It becomes natural compost to keep the moisture in the soil around the trees. Evaporation is good for the leaves but bad for soil. The ground around my trees are covered in leaves, fallen fruit, cut grass, cut branches etc. This really helps in a hot climate.
I know a fellow who does natural hydroponics. He has a big, boggy pond that he uses as a reservoir, and adds JADAM style liquid to his feed mix. He does hybrid ebb and flow, and uses a secondary pond as his primary nutrient reserve.
He tells me he has to adjust the mix DOWN with distilled water because it's so powerful. The ancients knew. 🙂
It is confusing. Huw Richards (Welsh no-dig grower + author) said 1:10 ratio into watering can after 2 weeks for Jadam made w weeds. Especially nettles. How can, after 7 days, Alessandra say, 1:100 ratio. Doesn’t make sense. Surely, after 7 days, it’s pretty mild. Mine’s (Epping Forest leaf mould, nettles + unchlorinated water mix) been 4 days in a bucket with lid & it doesn’t even stink – yet.
In the case of commercial-sized agricultural plant sites – Crop residue from highly genetically modified or chemically treated crops, however, would likely lead to unknown soil impact with unpredictable long term effects…
Thanks. I'm reading the book now. Your video is a concentration of the book. Good work. Thanks
can I just pour the mix straight, without diluting it?
I was just in the forest getting a bunch of leaf mulch for jadam fish fertilizer and microbial solution
Gracias, desde España 🇪🇦👏👏👏
Has anybody tried using rhubarb leaves for jadam? I'm curious if they could also be used in their pest control liquid
I love being stung by nettles 😍🥰👀🌱
How can I recognize witch one is nettles plant in the wild? Does the plant have a distinctive smell? Can I grow it in my garden? Would it have same nutrients as the plant in the wild? thank you!😊
Enjoy this video 🙏🏿👍🏿👨🏾🌾
How much of this jlf would you use for lets say 100m2 area? Dilution maybe 1:200?
Great video, thanks a million. Is it ok to use this on salad crops, or do i need to be extra careful when washing them to eat, thanks.
I made my one for the first time in what I think is a little too big for an experiment! I used an old 10000 liters tank.. it now stinks a lot! And my neighbor is complaining! Thank god I live in Thailand and I will not get sued! I sealed as much as possible but it still smells a bit. is it true that adding sugar will fix the smell? BTW the plants are looking amazing since I used it! I just would like to fix the smell. I will move the tank to another spot when it will be empty. It is too full and heavy right now!